steamboat + bbq + illegal sleepover

had dinner st SKY (not going back there) with maddi, choo, steph, viv tham, subaa, yuenhua, and angie. was really full. omg ate soooo much.
then went home for our illegal sleepover (my mum didnt know) haha.
watched Saw 6 then finally bathed and wore our pajamas :)
heated up the cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing that i bought for them from MA.
then continued with The Unborn. zomg.
shinweitan can never watch ghost movies. horror and blood is okay.
but DEFINITELY not ghosts. eeeek
then went upstairs to sleep (sorry hun; broke my promise ^^) at 4.30 am (?).
ended up talking and having heart-to-heart talks and lots of rofl laughs with them
i really tried to stop saying 'don't DDY' and 'zhan zhan'. HAHAHA
punishment was if i say it, they'll have to slap me.
so i ended up saying "SSY lah" = siu siu yeh

then it was already 6am. planned to call winnie and say goodluck for her exams but nah.
i off the lights and forced them to sleep.
cus we were gonna wake up at 8 hahaha.

p/s: i was really happy that you finally skyped with me tonight. really really happy.
i love skyping with you, fyi.
and sorry i broke my promise of sleeping at 3 am



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