a day out.

they were in parade. im going jj. oh well. ==
watched "Big Momma" with yuenhua, angeline, viv t, angie and seriously pure coincidence,
superohmygod. they reminded me of the gang in "Mean Girls" the movie.

"He's a lyrical~ miracle~ *HEY* baybehh"
omg love the song of this Big Momma movie by Prodi-G.
so nice.
the tune was stuck in my head all day :D
then we went over to De Garden. yumcha at Wong Kok with winnie joining us.
finalllly said hi to jason. working at Oh Sushi!
haha really just a 'hi' and i had to leave cus it looked like it was gonna rain soon :\

went home and ate real fast at the dining room (not in front of the tv- it'll take me ages if i eat in front of the tv XD ). just because you said you'll skype me tonight ==
instead, spent the whole night with facebook being a b*tchlag, LOL went to tumblr and thats it.
didnt even feel like blogging. moodless :\
and as usual tumblr was full of lovey-dovey posts and pictures,
got me thinking of you and again i'm like "get a life shinweitan" ==
today we spend the day talking and talking non-stop like we used to in class,
aww i miss the days. and omfg of all of us, the fastest to get herself into a tiramisu status, was the least expected one.
viv t. said she was expecting me or angie first.
oh well. i doubt if me and him are even "unofficially official".



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