oops, failed.

SML 99! ish
i wished my driving instructor would gimme a lousy car to practice with.
or i wish he wont maintain his kancil is such a perfect condition. seriously!
i got Laluan E. easy.
i got a new car. BUT everything inside is like omfgwth!
everything is like falling into pieces. stupid car. low maintenance.
even when it is in free mode, the gear shift will be like wobbling.
i was so scared that i'll break it. zzz
so when i change gears i would instinctively look down a while, not my fault please.
and the tester cut one mark, cus he said if i look down my steering control will be gone.
hello, my car is going perfectly straight and well-controlled please. yer

everything was going perfectly well.. until this big truck was signalling right and stopped.
i was supposed to go straight. so i waited behind this truck for almost 5 mins.
and cars keep cutting me from behind.
there was a fairly large amount of space beside the truck for me to go through, so..
i was thinking to go or not. then fine. i signal left and i swear i never hated a Camry so much.
it gave me no mercy and zoomed past me. fml!
then he said "berhenti di depan."\
im like ohmygod you gotta be kidding.
i was like "please please please" and stupid guy keep marking cross cross cross.
sigh if i know i'll just take the goddamn package to pass :(

lol but i knew it was my fault anyway. hehe impatient. should've just waited behind the stupid truck. oh well :D



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