Recap 2011.


2011 was a year i cannot describe.
A year that has became a platform to so many things.

A year I started off counting down in a bar.
A year where I learnt to work and earn and communicate heartily with customers.
A year where I went back to my hometown after 10 years, and very unfilial, as it was for a funeral.
A year where I see my biological dad after 10 years, and tore down the protective walls I built over the years.
A year where we spent CNY so differently because of the family politics that divided them all.
A year where I got my driving license after a double test. :)
A year where I had an unofficially unofficial status.
A year where I enrolled into St. Michael's Institution as a sixth former.
A year where I ironically joined the prefectorial board.
A year where I was a candidate for the top six exco members.
A year where I had an unofficially official status.
A year where I had a short-lived officially official status.
A year where I learnt that things can just dont work out.
A year where I was elected as the Treasurer for the board.
A year where I felt my life was a drama, and felt the sharp jab in my heart, physically.
A year where I learnt that nothing is impossible.
A year where I learnt how to weigh two issues, and the importance of it.
A year where I knew there were so many others out there posting hearts for me.
A year where I felt downtrodden in the gutter for exams.
A year where I felt helpless in being an exco and a comm. advisor for my juniors.
A year where I felt grateful to be who i am.
A year where I fathomed the meaning of being a La Sallian, and to dedicate my life to the last, the lost, and the least along the way.
A year where I gained more than i lost.
A year i went through that moulded me into the better me.

A me that has went through one more year of experience with a sweet, sour, salty and bitter pallet.

A not-so-mahtava-yet-still-mahtavaly-mahtava 2011.
Blessed to still be here on 01/01/2012.
And vow to try to focus on the big main issue this year;
and no other silly individual besides me myself.
It is a taboo; for real.



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