
17/01/11 - 06/07/11

#1: cars of manual and auto; sukditsin.
#2: to always walk on the right side.
#3: yumcha/yumyeh.
#4: to love ourselves and be self-loving when there's nobody to love us.
#5: to end the topic when 'fine' is mentioned.
#6: little girl's cupcake.
#7: sm7y, heck.
#8: equal share.
#9: no goodbyes allowed.
#10: mahtava.
#11: <9
#12: 幸福的感觉: 是当你不知不觉的笑,而且是发自内心的笑。 那就是幸福。
#13: killer smiles are not as awesome as fatthao smiles.
#14: Talk to me, even if you are not in the mood. Unless I'm the reason.
#15: dont just be ready to catch, be ready to hold on too.
#16: <8

que seja infinito.


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