Tea and me.


Four weeks ago.

What do you see when you look at me?
You said you see me as a friend.
And I was thinking, how could we be like friends when we never actually were those few months ago.
Is  it possible to revert back to something we were after we lost what we had?
Of course. The only problem is, we have nothing to go back to.

What do I see when I look at you?
I see someone I completely have no idea about.
You are a stranger who is all but familiar to me.
You are now someone who bears the same name with all the tiny old habits.
And you are a silhouette walking towards the light leaving me behind in the shadows.

You were never my cup of tea.
I was never your cup of tea.
We decided to give each other a shot.
We know we can stay if we liked what we tasted.
We know we can stray off if we did not.
But what you did not tell me was what would happen,
if only one became the other's cup of tea.

You became my cup of tea.
I did not.

All the more reason why I should not be surprised with you being with someone you once said was not your cup of tea.
I should know better. :)


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