Be the 10%.


Mr Palan said something that goes roughly like this;
"I dont hope for all of you to change after what i said, but i only hope for 10% of all of you guys here to really get and practice what we've learned today. And 10% is only 7 out of 74 of you all here."

It was actually, heart breaking.
To know how some actually thought that LTC was, in fact, a pure waste of time.
And all this and all that.
Sigh. But then i remembered what Mr. Palan said.
And i thought to myself,
Why focus on that 1% or 10% of them who didnt appreciate LTC,
instead of the huge 99% or 90% prefects who had a great time, and actually comprehended the message behind LTC?
Whatever it was, at least i knew those who really cared for this big, big family and actually is part of the family, and even some coming from the ones i least expected.

In fact, i began to realise, the board is actually a tiny replica of how the corporations of the outside world is.
How there will always be setbacks, opponents, failure.
But also how there is the spirit, the work, and the sweet success.
Think all you want that im talking bullshit,
but for me, and for some, they'll know what im talking about.
Dont ask me why i cried, i just did.
Out of comprehension, out of commitment.
And it is something i hope this big, big family would understand for themselves.

From being a prefect for name, fame, and game;
to an exco for change, commitment, and care.



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